Friday, May 14, 2010


The shocking truth is....I'm a closet frump-a-lump.

I could peruse fashion magazines all day, I know the hottest looks for hair and makeup and chances are I could name every designer you're wearing. However if you stopped by my house on any given day unannounced--err okay, I'll be honest, even announced-- I will be rocking bed head, and sweats.

Somehow after noticing my first fine line, and having 2 children I lost the desire to make MYSELF look beautiful. My attention has been fully directed to other women at shoots, runway shows, wedding days, or consultations. After I work with a woman I love watching her stand just a little bit taller, walk with just a little more swag, and smile because she feels on the outside, the way she knows she is on the inside. That is really what drives me to be a makeup artist. So, why don't I do that for myself when it's so easy? I'm starting a new section of this blog to bring myself from hag to fab and I'm going to document it the entire way. Weight, hair, skin, clothes--it's all getting revamped. Lord help me. ;)

In the same rut? Feel free to join me, and share with me your tips/struggles/hopes..... I'm excited!

Check back this Monday!